The delivery time varies based on the destination country. For more detailed information on estimated delivery times, please refer to this link.
You can easily track your order through the Track & Trace sent to you via email. This information is provided as soon as your order is ready for shipment.
If you haven’t received it, our customer service will be happy to assist you in obtaining the Track & Trace. Click here to get in touch with us.
We understand you’d like to track the status of your order. If your Track & Trace isn’t in your spam folder, please feel free to contact our Customer Service for assistance.
Have you already paid for your order? If we haven’t processed the order yet, we can make changes to the address, recipient name, or content. Once the order is processed, unfortunately, modifications to the address, recipient name, or content are no longer possible. If you need to make a change, please inform us as soon as possible.
Once the package has been shipped, we are unable to modify the address. However, you do have the option to change your address through the email you receive from DPD. This option is available only for shipments within Europe.
Unfortunately, for shipments outside Europe, you cannot process address changes, as we use a different carrier than DPD in those cases.
Yes, it is possible to cancel your order as long as the package is still in the processing stage. If the order has already been shipped, unfortunately, cancellation is no longer possible. However, you can still return your order; please check the return policy here.
No, unfortunately it is not possible to pick up your order.
However, we strive to make shopping with us as easy and affordable as possible. By offering direct shipping, we can provide you with an extensive selection of quality products at attractive prices, even if you’re ordering from outside the Netherlands.
We do not offer that option; Petite Muslima exclusively delivers packages to home addresses and business locations. Delivery to a parcel shop is not available. If a parcel shop is specified as the delivery address, unfortunately, the package will be returned to Petite Muslima.
However, you can use the Track and Trace email from DPD to designate a parcel shop as the delivery address. Unfortunately, for shipments outside Europe, it is not possible to designate a parcel shop, as we use a different carrier than DPD in those cases.
You can easily check this on the product page. If a product is not in stock, it is not possible to add it to your shopping cart.
This can vary significantly, and it’s challenging to provide a definitive statement in advance. We recommend checking the website regularly for any updates.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to place pre-order reservations with us. This means we cannot reserve sold-out items for you.
However, you can leave your email for the out-of-stock product. Once the product is back in stock, you will automatically receive an email from us, allowing you to place your order.
If you have received an incomplete order or there is an error in the order, please contact us through our contact page.
We’re sorry to hear that you haven’t received your order! Here are a few things you can check:
Track & Trace Code: You can find this in your email once your package has been handed over to the carrier.
Delivery Address: Double-check the delivery address you provided, including the postcode.
Mailbox: Did you receive a ‘not at home’ notification? In that case, the package might be delivered to your neighbors, a parcel shop, or the delivery person has scheduled a new delivery time.
If you haven’t received your package, please contact us.
We’d like to resolve this issue for you! To assist you efficiently, we need clear photos of the damaged product. This allows us to assess the issue and, of course, to find the best possible solution for you.
Please send an email to [email protected], providing a clear description of the complaint. We will get in touch with you promptly to find a suitable resolution.